Sunday, January 29, 2012

week 3

I cant believe its been three weeks since i left the MTC!! It's so
wierd. But. anyway the work is progressing pretty good and that's
awesome :). Um It's been raining a lot here lately and its awesome!!
The other day while we were walking it just like started pouring and
he didnt want to get drenched so we took cover under a
chungies...which is like a little street store that sells everything
and it was raining so hard that i almost had to shout to
was awesome :) i loved was just pouring. And today it rained
for like 3 or fours hours from a drizzle to a down was
awesome :). I had my first Interview (official) with the president and
that was cool. Idk what happened but i just felt like speak =ing the
language a lot more lately and like im not to scared to speak
was wierd and ive just been growing because of it.
Our investigators are progreesing much better now too. They're
finally reading what we assign and one is reading everyday and praying
twice a day...thats cool too. So, things are going pretty good. We're
hopefully gonna be really busy this week because we have 17 names of
less actives that we are gonna try and visit this week and next week
and so thats sweet too :) Then we got hopefully a new investigator
too. So, things are going good and im loving it still. The other night
we had a lightning storm and that was cool because there was no
thunder or rain! it was just beautiful flashes of light in the
distance :) it was awsome. There are so many beautiful nature thngs
I think it's interesting Idol worshiping is kinda big here. Everybody
has mary stautues and they have this every three hour worship service
going on in actually sounds really creepy cause they just
say so monotone and with like no feeing or heart. So thats been
interesting. The rain here brings some relif to the heat which is nice
but then afterwards its rally hot and it sucks lol. ANd i went to
Fiesta the other day where i ate a bunch of free food and then ate
catfush fight off the bone on a that was interesting and
fun. I eat the food here really slow here....cause im not sure if im
gonna come across bones or not and if i do i wont be too alarmed lol.
So, its still way fun thogh here. And i saw my first banana tree with
bananas still growing on it!! that was cool. So, the beauty is awesome
here night or day...its just beautiful :)
Elder Johnson :)

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